I know that I said I would not be here while on vacation (and I'm not, this post is pre-scheduled), but I wanted to let you all know that today (August 12th) is this blog's 1 year anniversary. Well, technically, it is. In a more figurative sense, it's kind of not because I only really began to blog this year. Regardless to any of that, though, I wanted to share with you all that today was the day that I created this blog and began to write many, many, many posts (some that I have drafted).
I would love to celebrate with you guys, but I am on vacation, and I'm not up to doing anything blog related this week. Thank you for sticking around with me for as long as you have. I genuinly appreciate it. Have a great Monday!
Tune: Fully Alive by Flyleaf

Congrats on one year of blogging!