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How It Turned Coastal

"I didn't mean for it to turn coastal." I have recently noticed that this blog has been taking a turn for a tropical/coastal home decor inspiration blog. It's was completely unintentional, but it's happening. Since this is my inspiration blog, and I am speaking with my voice and sharing what I find lovely, so this shift was bound to happen. What do you all like? What is your design preference? Is it modern, coastal, moroccan, contemporary, traditional, etc?

(Oh! And I apologize for my immense absence from this blog. I am busy trying to catch up on stuff for the first week of school (next week) that I procrastinated on doing (i.e. summer packets). Once I am settled in school, I'll be back round these parts of the net more frequently.)

Tune: Stand Up by Jessie J
 photo sig_1.png


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