For the past few weeks, my grandmother has been on "redecoration" mode. Some new furniture, here and there, and most of all: all of the rooms get painted. It all began with the dining room, which was once painted white with a few old (very old) art decals that needed to come down (thank gosh it did!), and some old, unneeded furniture in the room. Now, that old-looking room is very bright in a shade of pastel yellow. That was not the original color that we were aiming for at first; the original color was supposed to be a light red. Imagine my shock when I awoke and realized that she was painting the room a yellow instead! Nevertheless, I am loving that the color did change. The yellow brightens up the room. There is a unique wall as well (nothing big), it is a neutral tan with white trim. The only thing that I was (still am) dying for her to change is the brown carpet (bleh!), but she is not budging. I think either a hardwood floor (dark mahogany), or white carpet would go amazing in there (but who wants white carpet with little kids (my cousins) running around (they are here for summer)? I mean...I would not mind, but my grandmother is very picky.
The next room to get painted was the livingroom. She went with a basic white and tan look for the room. The carpet is brown as well (what the heck--it needs to go!). I love the art in the room (a painting of flowers) and the tall shelf that holds photographs, trophies, and a scripted bible verse in gold. Now, after the living room was painted, she went in the foyer and painted that white. Guess what else she painted white? The hallway. (I think my grandmother has a new-found love for the color white which is amazing as white homes are amazing - in moderation, course.)
Well, the one room that I am very delighted with for being painted white is the bathroom. It used to be a pinkish-orange hue and it looked horrible. A few days prior to the bathroom being painted, I told my grandmother that she should paint it a different color and get rid of the pink art decals (but those stayed sadly). I guess she took my advice for the first half, at least. The wall is now painted in half: the top a white color and the bottom a tiled texture, pink-orange hue color.
The latest painting adventure for my grams is her own bedroom. Actually, I forget what color she is painting it (probably white) because I just saw she was painting, then made my way to go eat some chicken that my mom just bought. I will most def check out the color and find out what she is painting next (I wish my bedroom, which I know isn't going to happen).
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